Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Best Songs of 2011: #13

Fleet Foxes - "Helplessness Blues"

The Occupy Wall Street movement has generated so much attention these past few months and a great deal of anger. Voices in the media, mostly aged ones, seem to cast so much animosity on the movement they deem it irrelevant. I think a lot of this must come from a view of the youthful generations as entitled brats, smoking pot and squatting in public parks demanding older, richer men cut them a slice of the pie. I feel like the sentiments expressed in "Helplessness Blues" much more accurately represent the feelings of the scores young and disenfranchised emanating from Zucotti Park. Our generations were promised the world, but now that we're grown we don't want the world. We just want a living. Give me an orchard and I'll work til I'm raw.

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